There are different type of internal hemorrhoids symptoms, sometimes, internal hemorrhoids may even produce bleeding from the anus or a stain of blood got mixed with the stool. Internal hemorrhoids can also manifest as unusual pains in the anus. There are internal hemorrhoids that can be noticed easily because its sac-like outcropping from inside gets to the outside of the anal canal because of intensive inflammation and irritation. This is medically called prolapsed hemorrhoids which often could be mistakenly recognized as an external hemorrhoid.
Inspite of the type of symptoms that you might be experiencing, you must find out more about the most effective internal hemorrhoids treatment.
Internal hemorrhoids treatment depends greatly on the extent or degree of the condition. The kind of internal hemorrhoids treatment also depends on the attitude of the patient towards the kind of treatment. Here is the list and a short description of medical procedures for internal hemorrhoids treatment:
1. Rubber Band Ligation
For all those having a small to medium size of hemorrhoids, this is the most commonly used procedure for internal hemorrhoids treatment. With Rubber Band Ligation, a small elastic band is placed around the base of the internal hemorrhoid to cut off blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Limiting the flow of blood to the swollen hemorrhoid vein will help it to contract and ultimately to fall away within the first week after the Rubber Band Ligation. This method is simple to operate, it doesn't requires anesthesia, and have the desired result 70% to 80% of the time. Complications and difficulties are uncommon, but can include things like slight pain or tightness, bleeding and infection. For this procedure the patient doesn't need to check-in at the hospital, because of this is just an out-patient procedure.2. Sclerotheraphy
This procedure is usually recommended for treating hemorrhoids which are smaller in size and dimension, first or second level hemorrhoids. It consists of injecting a chemical into the base of the hemorrhoid that can close the affected hemorrhoids vein, disallowing blood passage to the area, actually hardens the tissue. With this internal hemorrhoids treatment, time for recovery is shorter and typically produces results in approximately 7 to 10 days, at that time the hemorrhoids will shrink and fall off. Because the procedure can be done in a doctor’s office, it does not require a stay in the hospital.3. Infrared Coagulation
This treatment is a non-surgical procedure and has an excellent success rate for small to medium internal hemorrhoids. Exposing the hemorrhoid to the infrared light leads to coagulate or scar of the hemorrhoidal vein, which reduces blood flow to the hemorrhoid and ultimately causing it fall off. The recovery time is relatively short, and usually patients can return to their regular activities the same day.4. Laser Coagulation
This is a new medical internal hemorrhoids treatment that uses electric current to the hemorrhoids. The chemical reactions in the hemorrhoids are caused by the electric current from the laser device which also disrupts blood flow to the hemorrhoid and result to reducing the size of the inflamed hemorrhoid tissue.
5. Hemorrhoidectomy
Hemorrhoidectomy is actually the surgical procedure in removing hemorrhoids which involves the expertise of the doctor or surgeon who is doing the operation. This type of treatment is generally applied to higher grades of hemorrhoids. With this internal hemorrhoids treatment, the hemorrhoids are clamped and cut off. The wounds are stitched up and protected by using antibiotic ointment and gauze. The procedure doesn’t involve an overnight hospital stay, but anesthesia is required, and after this treatment most patients need narcotic analgesics. Curing patients with this procedure is about 95% successful. Also, it has a low complication rate. Time for recovery is about 7–10 days. The success rate is very high and many people are happy to have a permanent solution for internal hemorrhoids.